Alison’s Addendum

If there were ever a backwards way to write a life story then I believe that is the path I chose. None of it has made any sense at all.  God Himself tells us not to lean unto our own understanding but  in all our ways to acknowledge Him.

With tremendous fear and trembling I have been working out my salvation.  As a young girl I have memories of dreaming in my Grandmother’s attic.  I had grand plans for my life, all of which detailed the best decisions about everything.  I have learned that apart from God I don’t really know anything at all.  But I do know Jesus and that is truly all that matters.

God’s mercies are new every morning.  His word says it and I believe it.

The righteous fall seven times but they get back up eight. I thank my LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST for His faithfulness.  He lifts up the lowly and sets them on high.  Praise be the LORD!

The lowly he sets on high, and those who mourn are lifted to safety. Job 5:11


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